1rupee coin(food and nutrition) |
The government of India adopted the National Nutrition policy under the aegis of department of women's and child development in 1993.Food and nutrition board is primarily engaged in Nutrition Education and Training Activities, Mass Awareness Campaigns, Promotion of Infant and Young Child Nutrition and Follow Up Action on instruments of National Nutrition Policy.Five-day Training of Trainers (TOT) courses for orienting medical officers, senior supervisors, LHVs etc on various aspects of nutrition are organized. These master trainers in turn organise two-day Orientation Training Courses for the grassroot level functionaries particularly of ICDS and health besides volunteers from the community.Advertisement campaign for the purpose of mass awareness was generated during 2006 –1) 2 half page (1 colored ad on 1.8.2006 and 1 Black & white on 7.8.2006) advertisements during the World Breastfeeding Week.2) 2 half page (1 colored ad on 1.9.2006 and 1 black & white on 7.9.2006) advertisements during National Nutrition Week.3) One half page color advertisement on 2nd October on the eve of Integrated Child Development Nutrition (ICDS).4) One half page colored advertisement on World Food Day on the theme ‘Invest in Agriculture for Food Security’ highlighting the importance of diversified diet for better nutrition, health and development.5) Half page black and white advertisement on Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day highlighting the importance of consumption of iodised salt in our daily diet.Special awareness generation programmes like Orientation Training Course, community meetings, camps, essay competitions, healthy baby shows etc, were also held during these events.
1rupee coin(1942-1992)QUIT INDIA MOVEMENT |
India was under British rule for about 200 years and in the first half of the 20th century, the freedom struggle was greatly influenced by people like Mahatma Gandhi and their ideas and principles of non-violence which struck a chord with the masses as the majority of the population of India is peace loving. On the verge of the second world war, the quit India movement was started in India in 1942; and this coin was released on the occasion of 50 years or golden jubilee of the quit India movement.
With the outbreak of the war in 1939, Britain had declared war on Germany. Churchill had become Prime Minister and India's support was required as India was a colony of Britain only. Gandhi declined support as India was against Fascism and they saw British colonialism to be no different than German totalitarianism. The viceroy said that after the war was waged for peace and after it finishes, changes would be made in the Act of 1935. And Gandhi said " We have asked for bread and got a stone in return." This was the primary cause for the quit India movement of 1942. Another important reason was the failure of the Cripps commission. sir Stafford Cripps was sent to India to talk terms and lots was offered ; but after the war ceased. This was perceived to be a "post dated cheque on a crashing bank. Other factors were the Japanese invasion of India, unrest in East Bengal and and growing feeling that British were unable to protect India and its interests.
The Mahatma had said that the presence of the British was an open invitation to the Japanese, and their removal from the scene would remove the bait... Following this statement , he was arrested shortly afterward; along with other leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Gandhi's cry of do or die reached the masses and the country erupted in the quit India movement. This movement was marked by four phases:
1)There were mass strikes, demonstrations, protests and rallies
2) in the second stage there were some violent incidents.Mobs targeted government and municipal buildings like post office and railway stations. Some were set on fire , and in some firings a number of women and children died
3)It is said that in the third stage there were incidents of the mob throwing bombs at the police.
4)The last stage went peaceful until the release of Gandhi in 1944 when the movement was called off.
1rupee coin(1944-1991 Rajiv Gandhi) |
Rajiv Gandhi (20 August 1944 – 21 May 1991), the elder son of Indira and Feroze Gandhi, was the 9th Prime Minister of India from his mother's death on 31 October 1984 until his resignation on 2 December 1989 following a general election defeat. He became the youngest Prime Minister of India when he took office (at the age of 40).
Rajiv Gandhi was a professional pilot for Indian Airlines before entering politics. While at Cambridge, he met Italian-born Sonia Maino whom he later married, who is now supposedly the hand pulling the strings behind the current prime minister Manmohan Singh. Rajiv Gandhi remained aloof from politics despite his mother being the Indian Prime Minister , and it was only following the death of his younger brother Sanjay Gandhi in 1980 that Rajiv entered politics. After the assassination of his mother in 1984 after Operation Blue Star, Indian National Congress party leaders nominated him to be Prime Minister.
Rajiv Gandhi led the Congress to a major election victory in 1984 soon after and lost soon after due to racism, amassing the largest majority ever in Indian Parliament. The Congress party won 411 seats out of 542. He began dismantling the License Raj - government quotas, tariffs and permit regulations on economic activity - modernized the telecommunications industry, the education system, expanded science and technology initiatives and improved relations with the United States.
In 1988, Rajiv reversed the coup in Maldives antagonising the militant Tamil outfits such as PLOTE. He also was responsible for sending Indian troops (Indian Peace Keeping Force or IPKF) for peace efforts in Sri Lanka, which soon ended in open conflict with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) group. In mid-1987, the Bofors scandal broke his honest, corruption-free image and resulted in a major defeat for his party in the 1989 elections.
Apart from the bofors scandal, Rajiv's major failure was in checking inflation as during the early 1980's, the rupee fell from 12 to 17 per dollar.
He also efforts to enable significant developments in India. He introduced measures significantly reducing the License Raj, allowing businesses and individuals to purchase capital, consumer goods and import without bureaucratic restrictions. In 1986, he announced a national education policy to modernize and expand higher education programs across India. He founded the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya System in 1986. His efforts created MTNL in 1986, and his public call offices, better known as PCOs, helped spread telephones in rural areas.
Rajiv Gandhi remained Congress President until the elections in 1991. While campaigning, he was assassinated by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) group.His widow Sonia Gandhi became the leader of the Congress party in 1998, and led the party to victory in the 2004 elections. His son Rahul Gandhi is a Member of Parliament and the General Secretary of All India Congress Committee.
Rajiv Gandhi was posthumously awarded the Highest National Award of India, Bharat Ratna, joining a list of 40 luminaries, including Indira Gandhi.
1rupee coin(1975 15 years of I.C.D.S) |
Weight: 6 gm
Metal: Copper-nickel
Diameter: 26mm
Subject: 15th anniversary of I.C.D.S.
Obverse: lion pedestal, denomination below
Reverse: Seated figure holding child, radiance surrounds.
I.C.D.S. stands for integrated child development services. The children are the most important aspect for Human Resource development as it is in the first 5-6 years of our lives that the foundations for cognitive, social, emotional and physical/motor development and also for life long learning.
The government acknowledged this fact and launched the integrated child development services(ICDS) in 1975 with a view for holistic development of the child.
The objectives of ICDS:
1)Lay the foundation for proper psychological development of the child
2)Improve nutritional & health status of children 0-6 years
3)Reduce incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school drop-outs
4)Enhance the capability of the mother and family to look after the health, nutritional and development needs of the child
5)Achieve effective coordination of policy and implementation among various departments to promote child development
The services of ICDS include supplementary nutrition, non-formal pre school education, immunization, health check-up, referral services and nutrition and health education.
The pulse polio immunization campaign is the most well known initiative undertaken by ICDS.
1rupee big coin(1976) |
Weight: 10gm
Metal: Nickel
Obverse: Ashoka lion pedestal
Reverse: denomination and date
1rupee coin(1985 International youth year) |
International Youth Year, or IYY, was held in 1985, to focus attention on issues of concern to and relating to youth. The proclamation was signed on January 1, 1985 by United Nations Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar.
Throughout the year, activities took place all over the world. These activities were coordinated by the Youth Secretariat within the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, at the time based at the UN offices in Vienna, Austria. The Secretariat's director, Mohammad Sharif, was also the Executive Secretary for IYY. The President of IYY was Nicu Ceauşescu , son of the former dictator of Romania Nicolae Ceauşescu.
While not organising any specific events itself, under the year's slogan of "Participation, Development, Peace", the IYY Secretariat helped facilitate numerous events helping to make IYY a success.
The main UN event for IYY was the World Congress on Youth (in Spanish: Congreso Mundial Sobre La Juventud) organised by UNESCO and held in Barcelona, Spain July 8-15, 1985. It issued the "Barcelona Declaration" on youth.
1rupee coin(1985) |
Weight: 6gm
Metal: Copper-nickel
Diameter: 26mm
Obverse: lion pedestal, seven sided surrounding
Reverse: denomination,date and grain ears
1rupee coin(1987 Small Farmer) |
1rupee coin(1988 Rained Forming) |
1rupee coin(1989 Nehru) |
1rupee coin(1990 Care For the Girl Child) |
1990 was designated as the SAARC(South Asian Association for regional cooperation) year of the girl child. SAARC comprises of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The primary aim of SAARC is to promote peace, stability, amity and progress in the given countries.
1rupee coin(1990 Dr.B.R .Ambedkar) |
We can see BhimRao Ramji Ambedkar , also known as BabasahebAmbedkar on the obverse. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar was the architect of India's constitution. He was born into an untouchable family and spent his life fighting the prejudices and the discrimination base on which the Hindu society was divided into four classes, or theChaturvarna: the Brahmans, the Kshatriyas, the Vaishyas and theShudras. Facing numerous social and financial obstacles, which were seemingly insurmountable, Ambedkar went overseas and returned a scholar having multiple doctorates with extensive research in the fields of law, economics and political science from Columbia university and the London school of economics.
Ambedkar led an extensive fight against the practice and prejudices of untouchability. He became an active member of the Bombay legislative assembly in 1926 and in 1927 he started some movements against untouchability.He began with public movements and marches to open up and share public drinking water resources, also he began a struggle for the right to enter Hindu temples. He led a satyagraha in Mahad to fight for the right of the untouchable community to draw water from the main water tank of the town.
He is also credited with having sparked the Dalit Buddhist movement. Ambedkar has been honoured with the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award.
1rupee coin(1990 Food for the future) |
Weight: 6gm
Metal: copper-nickel
Subject: food for the future
The world's worst recorded food disaster happened in 1943 in British-ruled India. Known as the Bengal Famine, an estimated four million people died of hunger that year alone in eastern India (that included today's Bangladesh). The initial theory put forward to 'explain' that catastrophe was that there as an acute shortfall in food production in the area. However, Indian economist Amartya Sen (recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 1998) has established that while food shortage was a contributor to the problem, a more potent factor was the result of hysteria related to World War II which made food supply a low priority for the British rulers. The hysteria was further exploited by Indian traders who hoarded food in order to sell at higher prices.
During the period from 1967 to 1978, India witnessed a green revolution. Between 1947 and 1967, efforts at achieving food self-sufficiency were not entirely successful. Efforts until 1967 largely concentrated on expanding the farming areas. But starvation deaths were still being reported in the newspapers. In a perfect case of Malthusian economics, population was growing at a much faster rate than food production. This called for drastic action to increase yield. The action came in the form of the Green Revolution.
As a "side effect" of India moving from the status of a food surplus nation from being a food deficit nation with the green revolution, a number of different commemorative coins were minted during that era on themes related to food, work, shelter and all. These two coins shown here are in that series only.
1rupee coin(1991 commonwealth parliamentary Conference) |
Weight: 6gm
Metal: copper-nickel
Subject: commonwealth parilamentary conference
The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, previously known as the Empire Parliamentary Association, is an organsation, of British origin, which works to support good governance, democracy and human rights. It was founded as the Empire Parliamentary Association in 1911, with its first branches being Australia, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand, South Africa and the United Kingdom, the latter branch administering the association as a whole. In 1948 the association changed its name to the current Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, and allowed all branches part in administration of the organisation. The branches are grouped into nine Commonwealth regions - Africa; Asia; Australia; British Islands and Mediterranean; Canada; Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic; India; Pacific, and South-East Asia.
As of 1989, the organisation acknowledges a Patron - the Head of the Commonwealth; Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - and a Vice Patron, the head of state or of the government of the branch holding the upcoming conference. The association's supreme authority is the General Assembly, constituted by delegates to the annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. The business and activities are managed by an Executive Committee, which reports to the General Assembly. The association's funds are obtained from membership fees paid by its branches, as well as from two trust funds and various other sources.
The 37th commonwealth parliamentary conference was held at the Indian parliament in New Delhi and commemorative coins were issued for the same.
1rupee coin(1991 Tourism Year) |
The figure shown on the obverse is a stylized peacock. The peacock is the national bird of India.This coin was minted in 1991 when India was trying to promote itself as a tourist destination.
1rupee coin(1993 89th Inter Parliamentary) |
Established in 1889, the inter parliamentary union is a body which signifies unity between the parliaments or senates of different countries. In 1993, the 89th inter parliamentary union conference was held at New Delhi in the Indian parliament. The main objective of the union is to achieve peace and coordination between the different member countries. Apart from the 89th conference , the 57th conference was also held at Delhi.
1rupee coin(1993 ) |
Weight: 4.85gm
Metal: stainless steel
Diameter: 25mm
Obverse: lion pedestal, "satyamev jayate"
Reverse: denomination, date and grain ears
Edge: plain
1rupee coin(1994 international year of the family) |
In 1989, the United Nations declared that 1994 would be the international year of the family. The Indian government launched a coin made in stainless steel marking the year of the family. The objective of the UN was to raise awareness regarding family issues in the local, national and international organizations. Many universities in the field of human development also held presentations, symposiums and all in order to spread awareness regarding the different issues of a family. The observance of the year served to highlight the role of the family as the basic social unit in every society and the need to pay adequate attention to the family dimension in development efforts. The significance of the International Year of the Family lies in its reinforcement of the interrelationship between family well-being and sustainable development.
The tenth anniversary of the international year of the family was observed in 2004. India has for long had a policy of "hum do, hamare do" for family planning and to keep a control on the population increase. The phrase means that a family of two (husband and wife) is urged to not have more than two children. And this created an almost stereotyped image of an Indian family for the Indian government, that is the man, his wife, one son and one daughter; and this is most probably the reason we see that sort of a picture of a family on this coin.
1rupee coin(1997 Cellular Jail. Portblair) |
This coin was released on the occasion of India's 50th anniversary of independence in 1997 by the then president Mr.K.R.Narayanan, and he also gave a a moving speech at the Jail to honour the former inmates of the cellular jail in Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The jail was established during India's struggle for independence with the view to send the freedom fighters to some deserted islands, so that their links to their families and communities would be severed and they would be forgotten into oblivion. The sentencing to the cellular jail was known as "saza-e-kalapani" and was the most dreaded punishment at that time if you were caught by the British government, probably even more dreaded than capital punishment. When the sepoy mutiny and the first all India war of independence was supressed, most of the freedom fighters were killed by hanging, bound to cannons and blown to bits or killed by guns and swords. Those who survived were sent to the Andaman Islands , where the only human inhabitants were the local tribes or Adivasis, like the Australian Aborigines. The island was a pure jungle.
Now, the history of the cellular jail is as fascinating as it is horrendous, as romantic as it is tragic. Unfortunately when the Japanese captured the Andaman Islands during the second world war, they burned down whatever was there, and all of the records that the British had kept were obliterated. This was a great loss to India's history as even though the British were exploiters, but they were also great record keepers. Even though extensive research has been done by the subsequent governments of India post independence, precious little has been found to establish the chronicles of the cellular jail.
The earliest revolutionaries to be sent to the Andaman islands had to face the worst treatment. In perennial rainy weather and marshy land, with snakes, scorpions etc around them and bound by heavy shackles, chains and fetters, they had to cut trees to clear paths in the jungle. They got flogged every time they slowed down and were not even given a full meal in a day. After the revolt of 1857, prisoners from national revolutionary movements, Alipore conspiracy case, Gadar party revolutionaries, Assembly bomb case, second Lahore conspiracy case, and from the Chittagong revolt of 1930 were also kept. The most famous inmate of the Jail was Veer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar(1883-1966)
The prisoners in the jail got highly inhuman treatment. According to Savarkar Freedom Fighters were made to do hard labour. They had to peel coconuts and take out oil from them. They were forced to go around like bullocks to take out oil from mustard seeds. Outside they were forced to clear the jungles and trees on hillside levelling marshy land. They were flogged on refusal. On top of this they did not even get a full meal every day.The food that was given was not fit for human consumption. There were worms when you opened the bread and wild grass was boiled and served in lieu of vegetables. Rain drinking water was full of insects and worms. The 13' X 6' cells were dark and damp and dingy thickly coated with moss. There were no toilets. There were no lights, no reading material. Prisoners were not allowed to meet with each other. The guards carried out physical torture and flogging. Their behaviour was insulting. Things had become unbearable.
So as a result, the only alternative before the freedom fighters was to resort to a hunger strike against these atrocities. On 12 May 1933 they started a fast undo death. Mahavir Singh, Mohan Kishore Namo Das and Mohit Moitra died during this hunger strike. Their bodies were quietly ferreted away and thrown out to sea. Punjab's jail inspector Barker was called to break the hunger strike. He issued orders to stop the issuing of drinking water. The freedom fighters were resolute. There was a huge outcry throughout India because of this hunger strike. After 46 days the British Raj had to bow and the demands of the freedom fighters had to be accepted. The hunger strike ended on 26 June 1933.
After the death of three colleagues the facilities won from jail authorities proved beneficial for the future. There was light in the cells. The prisoners started getting newspapers, books and periodicals. They were allowed to meet. The facility to read individually or on a collective basis was allowed. The opportunity to play sports and organise cultural events was given. The jail work was reduced to minimal. Above all there was respect for the freedom fighters from the prison officials and a marked improvement in their behaviour. A new environment was created as the freedom fighters met to discuss and read. A thirst for books and knowledge began. There were students, doctors, lawyers, peasants, and workers all together. They discussed politics, economics, history and philosophy.
There were classes in biology and physiology given by the doctors amongst them. Others gave classes in historical and dialectical materialism. Knowledge, experience and books were hungrily shared. A jail library was started. A veritable university of freedom fighters had begun where revolutionaries were learning about Marxist and socialist ideas and how to disseminate these amongst the people whose freedom they were fighting for. A Communist consolidation was formed of 39 prisoners on 26 April 1935. This number later swelled to 200. The freedom fighters started feeling that the atmosphere for a world war was gathering and that before the war starts we should get back to our country to be with our people and take active part in the upheaval that was imminent. A petition was sent to the Viceroy on 9 July 1937 by the freedom fighters that all political prisoners should be repatriated to the mainland and released An ultimatum was given that if these demands were not met a hunger strike would begin.
A second hunger strike began for the repatriation of freedom fighters on 25th July 1937.A country wide movement on the mainland in support of the demands of the Andaman freedom fighters began as other political prisoners in other jails on the mainland also started hunger strikes in support. There was a mass demonstration of working people, intellectuals and students. This upsurge clearly showed that their people on the mainland did not forget them. After four weeks telegrams from Bengal's chief minister, leaders of the nation Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Sharad Chandra Bose, Rabindra Nath Tagore etc poured in imploring the freedom fighters to end their hunger strike.On 28 August 1937, Gandhiji, poet Rabindra Nath Tagore and the Congress Working Committee sent a telegram…"the whole nation appeals to you to end the hunger strike… and assures you to take up your demands and to see them fulfilled…" After a lot of deliberation and discussion this historic 36-day hunger strike of 200 revolutionary freedom fighters ended. The process of repatriation started in September 1937.
There were classes in biology and physiology given by the doctors amongst them. Others gave classes in historical and dialectical materialism. Knowledge, experience and books were hungrily shared. A jail library was started. A veritable university of freedom fighters had begun where revolutionaries were learning about Marxist and socialist ideas and how to disseminate these amongst the people whose freedom they were fighting for. A Communist consolidation was formed of 39 prisoners on 26 April 1935. This number later swelled to 200. The freedom fighters started feeling that the atmosphere for a world war was gathering and that before the war starts we should get back to our country to be with our people and take active part in the upheaval that was imminent. A petition was sent to the Viceroy on 9 July 1937 by the freedom fighters that all political prisoners should be repatriated to the mainland and released An ultimatum was given that if these demands were not met a hunger strike would begin.
A second hunger strike began for the repatriation of freedom fighters on 25th July 1937.A country wide movement on the mainland in support of the demands of the Andaman freedom fighters began as other political prisoners in other jails on the mainland also started hunger strikes in support. There was a mass demonstration of working people, intellectuals and students. This upsurge clearly showed that their people on the mainland did not forget them. After four weeks telegrams from Bengal's chief minister, leaders of the nation Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Sharad Chandra Bose, Rabindra Nath Tagore etc poured in imploring the freedom fighters to end their hunger strike.On 28 August 1937, Gandhiji, poet Rabindra Nath Tagore and the Congress Working Committee sent a telegram…"the whole nation appeals to you to end the hunger strike… and assures you to take up your demands and to see them fulfilled…" After a lot of deliberation and discussion this historic 36-day hunger strike of 200 revolutionary freedom fighters ended. The process of repatriation started in September 1937.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's Azad Hind Fauz first of all gave independence to Port Blair, Andaman. Netaji visited the Andaman Island and hoisted the tricolour flag on 30 December 1943. He had declared that the very first bastion to be relieved of the British yolk was Andamans, the Indian Bastille revolutionary freedom fighters were kept, very much like the Bastille in Paris during the French Revolution. The British reoccupied the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and abolished the Penal Settlement in 1945.
The Japanese destroyed two of the wings of the cellular jail during their brief occupation of the Andamans. Post independence the demolition of the jail was started(dont know or understand the logic behind it) and two more wings were destroyed. The former inmates of the jail intervened and the remaining three wings were spared, and the jail is now a national memorial in 1969, and the Gobind Vallabh Pant hospital was also started.
In 2004, parts of the jail were damamged by the Indian Ocean tsunami.
1rupee coin(1999 Saint dnyaneshwar) |
Weight: 5gm
Metal: Stainless steel
Sant Dnyaneshwar was a Marathi poet, philosopher, saint and a yogi of Nath tradition. His works Bhavarth Deepika Teeka andAmrutanubhav are considered to be milestones in Marathi literature.Bhavarth deepika teeka is an analysis of the bhagwad Gita and is also called Dnyaneshwari. Dnyaneshwar entered into "sanjeevan samadhi", a yogic path to salvation at 21 in Alandi, Maharashtra.Dnyaneshwar was the second of four children, the first being Nivruttinath, and the other two being Sopandeo and Muktabai of Vitthal Govind Kulkarni and Rukmini. Vitthal had studied the Vedas and was more intereted in "the search of god", but Rukmini's father Shridharpant was impressed of Vitthal and convinced him to marry his daughter.
Vitthal's inclination was still towards sainthood and he somehow convinced his reluctant wife to let him leave the Grihastha ashram (tied to his home and family) and enter Sanyas ashram(to live a life of celibacy and sainthood) . He went to Ramanand Swami and found acceptance after lying about his past and hiding his married life.
Ramanand Swami once came to Alandi and blessed Rukmimi "ashta putra saubhagyavati bhava" (you may have 8 sons). Rukmini broke down and told her story. Ramanda Swami came to the conclusion that Vitthal was her husband and he had deserted his wife and home. So he told Vitthal to leave the sanyas and follow his duties in his home. This caused Vitthal's expulsion from the Brahmin community as he had reverted back to "Grihastha ahsram" after "Sanyas ashram" , which was the last ashram.
Meanwhile, the pious couple had four children. Vitthal tried to get acceptance into the Brahmin community of Paithan but failed, and the couple were told to end their lives. The family went on a pilgrimage and Vitthal and Rukmini jumped into the waters of Prayag at the confluence of Ganga and Yamuna, hoping that their children would get acceptance into the community.
The orphaned children lived on alms for a while, and afterwards tried to get acceptance into the community, and were accepted on the condition of celibacy. Nivruttinath took Dnyaneshwar and the other two siblings under his tutelage, and later on not only Dnyaneshwar , but the other three also became highly revered saints in their capacity.
1rupee coin(2000) |
1rupee coin(2001) |
1rupee coin(2003 Durgadass) |
Early life
Durgadas was a suryavanshi Rathore Rajput, belonging to the Karnot branch of the Rathore clan. He was the son of Askaran Rathore, a Rajput general in the army of Maharaja Jaswant Singh. As his mother did not get along with her husband and co-wives, she lived away from Jodhpur, and Durgadas grew up in a small village.
When Durgadas was young, a camelherd, rearing the herds of the Maharaja, ventured into Durgadas's fields. Durgadas asked the camel herd to take his herd away and not destroy the field. The camelherd paid no heed. Durgadas unsheathed his sword and killed him. Word of this reached Maharaja Jaswant Singh. He summoned Durgadas and asked him why he killed the camelherd. Durgadas told him that the royal herd of camels was giving Jaswant Singh a bad name by destroying the crops of ordinary people. The Maharaja was very impressed with Durgadas's uprightness and gave him an appointment in the army.
Saving Ajit Singh
Maharaja Jaswant Singh, ruler of Marwar, died in 1679 without immediate male heirs. However, two of his wives were pregnant at the time of his death. These circumstances allowed the mughal emperor Aurangzeb to intervene; he appointed a Muslim to rule over Marwar, which upset the Rathod clan a great deal. One of Jaswant Singh's pregnant widows gave birth, in due course, to a male child, who was named Ajit Singh. After the birth of this rightful heir, prominent grandees of Marwar, including Durgadas, went to Delhi along with the infant Ajit Singh and asked Aurangzeb that the infant be confirmed in his late father's estates and titles. Aurangzeb did not absolutely refuse, but suggested, supposedly for the infant's own safety, that Ajit grow up in Delhi in front of him.
The nurturing of the head of the Rathod clan in Aurangzeb's staunchly muslim household was not acceptable to the clan. It is said that crown prince Ajit Singh along with his mother was staying at a place called "Bhuli Bhatiyari" near Jhandewalan of modern Delhi. Durgadas and others of the delegation resolved upon smuggling Ajit Singh out of Delhi. Durgadas and his 300 men, notable among them Thakur Mokam singh Balunda and Mukand Das Khichi made a plan. According to the plan Mokam Singh Balunda's wife Bagheliji put her infant girl, in place of Ajit Singh. As they approached the outskirts of the city, the mughal guards fell in hot pursuit and Durgadas and his companions had to make their escape while fighting hand-to-hand battle with the much larger mughal army. Every so often, some 15-20 Rajputs would fall behind to check the mughal pursuers, in the process getting themselves killed. In this battle Mokam singh Balunda, his son Hari singh Balunda got injured, but they managed to keep distance between the forward party and the Mughals.Among them Mokam singh Balunda's wife Bagheli Rani This continued till the evening; Durgadas was left with just seven men out of the 300 he started with, but he managed to escape with the infant Ajit Singh to safety to Balunda. Mokam Singh's wife Bagheliji kept Maharaja Ajit singh at Balunda for almost one year, Later, he was moved to the safety of Aravali hills near Abu Sirohi, a remote town on the southern fringes of Marwar, and grew up in anonymity.
For 20 years after this event, Marwar remained under the direct rule of a Mughal governor. During this period, Durgadas carried out a relentless struggle against the occupying forces. Trade routes that passed through the region were plundered by the guerillas, who also looted various treasuries in present-day Rajasthan and Gujarat. These disorders adversely impacted the finances of the empire.
Durgadas took advantage of the disturbances following the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, to seize Jodhpur and eventually evict the occupying Mughal force. Ajit Singh was proclaimed Maharaja of Jodhpur. He rebuilt all the temples that had been descecrated by the occupying muslims.
Aurangzeb's son Sultan Muhammad Akbar rebelled against his father. Naturally, Durgadas extended aid to him in the rebellion. This venture came to naught, as Akbar died in exile; he left his children in the custody of Durgadas. Aurangzeb became extremely anxious to get his grandchildren back. He requested Durgadas, who agreed to send them to Aurangzeb. When the children arrived, Aurangzeb asked a Qazi to start teaching them the Quran. On hearing this, his little granddaughter began reciting ayats from the holy book. Aurangzeb was left dumbfounded. On being asked, his granddaughter told him that while she was in Durgadas's custody, a Qazi had been engaged to take care of their religious training.
Such was Durgadas. Till today, people in Rajasthan pray: Mayee ehra poot jan jehara DURGADAS, baandh mundaso rakhiyo bin thambe aakash. (Mother, give birth to a son just like Durgadas,who stopped the flooding dam of Moghuls (the Moghul Army) without any support (i.e. single handedly)).
Last breath
Veer Durgadas after completing his duties successfully and fulfilled the promise which he given to Jaswant Singh Ji, left Jodhpur and live in Sadri, Udaipur, Rampura, Bhanpura for some time and then left to worship Mahakaal at Ujjain. On 22nd November 1718, on the banks of the Sipra at Ujjain, Durgadas passed away at the age of 81 years, his beautiful canopy in red stone is still at the Chakrathirth, Ujjain, which is pilgrimage for all freedom fighters and rajputs. Veer Durgadas left behind a shining example of loyalty, chivalry and courage.
1rupee coin(2003 Maharana Pratap) |
Maharana Pratap Singh, Ruler of MewarIn 1568, during the reign of Udai Singh II, the Mughal emperor Akbar conquered Chittor. The third Jauhar of Chittor became apparent, with the ladies of the fort finding safety from personal dishonour and plunged themselves into fire, while rest of the men folk sallied forth to certain death in the battlefield. Before this condition, Udai Singh and his family had moved to the safety of the nearby hills. He later moved base to another location in the foothills of the Aravalli Range. This new foundation gradually became the city of Udaipur and was accordingly named after him. Udai Singh wished Jagmal, his favorite son could succeed him but his senior nobles wanted Pratap, the eldest son, to be their king. During the coronation ceremony Jagmal was actually moved out of the palace and Pratap was deliberately made the king. Pratap did not want to go against the desire of his father but Rajput nobles convinced him strongly that Jagmal was not capable to rule in the crucial times of the day. It was the beginning of a career of struggle and hardship for Maharana Pratap Singh.
Maharana Pratap Singh never believed Akbar as the ruler of India, and kept on fighting with Akbar all his life. Akbar first tried several diplomatic ways to win over Maharana Pratap but nothing really worked. Maharana Pratap Singh maintained that he had no intention to fight with Akbar, however he could not bow down to Akbar and accept him as the ruler. There was some possibility that Maharana Pratap Singh could have become friends with Akbar, but in the invasion for Chittor Akbar had killed around 30,000 civilians, unarmed residents of Chittor only because they refused to convert to Islam. This left an ever-lasting impression on Maharana Pratap Singh`s mind and he adamant not to bow to such an injustice and cruelty.
1rupee coin(2008) |
We know well of the hue and cry that was raised on the issue of the rupee with a "cross". (see one rupee coins: republic india-IV). As there was a massive outcry against the apparent forced evangelization of India through these coins, the 1 rupee coin with the "cross" was quietly withdrawn and replaced by the coin shown above.
1rupee coin(2011) |
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All 1rs coins back |
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All 1rs coins |
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